Saturday, July 2, 2011

Here we go...

I've never really immersed myself in blogging/ following blogs like many people I know, but I've felt the urge lately to put a few of my somewhat mindboggling and entertaining thoughts to paper (metaphorically speaking.)
I just graduated from BYU in broadcast journalism where I did sports reporting and anchoring for KBYU. Amazing! Unfortunately, I had to get a job quickly doing something completely unrelated to my major unless I wanted to move in with my parents. Not so amazing. Therefore, I'm still here in Utah County living out the post-grad single life. Again, not so amazing. But, my ambitions are sky high. I have so many things I'm planning on doing; places I want to go, people I want to meet, dreams I want to fulfill....
What's my biggest dream? That's what I'm trying to figure out myself. Two of my biggest dreams don't really mesh well together. For one, I ache for Erin Andrews' job on ESPN, traveling around the country, talking sports, and hanging out with athletes. A large part of me longs to start my career in the sports broadcast field and live life on the road. Here's where my dreams conflict. Yes, I am a practicing Latter-day Saint, and as being such I have a strong desire to start my own family and raise them in the gospel, like we're taught as little Sunbeams to do.
You may be asking yourself why I can't do both. Well, from the experiences I've had already, people I've met and talked to and others lives I've watched, the two don't really coincide. If you are a full-time sports reporter, you're working 12 hours a day (or more) and traveling 275 days out of the year. Not much time for a family eh? Most of the reporters I've met and seen are single, or barely get to see their kids. Not really a family-oriented life. What to do.....
I feel destined for so much more than what I'm doing right now. My life was on a steep climb and it's somewhat plateaued. So, I've decided to continue forward. I'm going to continue job hunting, continue being social, and see where the heck life takes me.
Welcome to the journey.......